From, here is an article on 4 Texas counties declaring a state of emergency due to being over run by  illegal immigrants.    I’m sure this story is all over CNN and MSNBC. Now the CDC won’t let cruise lines run, but see no problem with releasing thousands ofContinue Reading

Here is an article from that states in part: According to MyNorthwest: The Washington State Department of Health lets providers deny vaccines to white people in a race-exclusionary system they claim creates equity and removes barriers. It does neither. The African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry (AARTH) is a vaccineContinue Reading

From an article at the DOJ not only refuses to name the officer that shot Ashli Babbitt but also refuses to charge him. From an article at, Tucker Carlson went off on the difference between Chauvin and the unnamed cop. From the article: He asked, “Can we trust theContinue Reading

Here is a story from about a Catholic church set on fire in Minneapolis, and surprise the msm calls the riots mostly peaceful protests. The msm is simply the propaganda arm for the left.  2setsofrules agrees with the article, while not yet confirmed, what a coincidence that a church soContinue Reading

If you have seen any of the pics from facilities along the border, you couldn’t help but know that any and all social distancing and mask rules were not being followed. Here is an article from where Fauci admits in Congressional testimony that what we all know to be true,Continue Reading

Once again, reports Project Veritas captures a CNN executive admitting it’s going after Matt Gaetz.   In the article, : In an explosive Project Veritas video, CNN technical director Charlie Chester admits the network is focusing on the allegations against Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) “to keep hurting him.” 2setsofrules recentlyContinue Reading

In an explosive article on , Project Veritas captures a CNN executive admitting they worked to get Trump out of office. From the Project Veritas reporting: CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester: “Look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe thatContinue Reading