Here is a story from about new riots in both Portland and Minneapolis. When is the media and Buyden administration going to label Antifa and BLM domestic terrorist organizations ?!?!?!? From the story: And so, over the weekend, while Rural MAGA Americans like myself enjoyed peace and harmony, Portland’s Antifa monsters “setContinue Reading

Here is a great article from about John Kerry’s dire prediction in 2009 on how there would be no Arctic ice by 2014. That didn’t happen.  Even after being absolutely totally wrong, he is now the special climate liaison for Biden. From the article: Despite being dunked on by MotherContinue Reading

You have to wonder why they would do that.  Maybe I’m too cynical, but I bet it has to do with not wanting it to get out that terrorists are sneaking across the border – that would politically hurt the dems/libs/progs in their quest to have an open border.Continue Reading