Here is a link to a video at showing the Bidens going maskless as they walk through a D.C. restaurant. Here is the video: WATCH 🚨 Biden recorded breaking Washington DC's mask mandate by walking through an Italian restaurant ‘Fiola Mare’ without a mask — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper)Continue Reading

Here is a great article from on 5 stories – for which some of the authors received a Pulitzer Prize – published in about the supposed Trump/Russia collusion that are patently false. If you want a much better understanding of how the main stream media (msm) lied about RussiaContinue Reading

Here is a great article at about the current state of inflation in the U.S.A.  Larry Summers predicted what is happening and was taken to the proverbial wood shed by the DC cabal and media elite. Here is a graph from the article showing what Biden has done to inflationContinue Reading

The Biden administration, the FBI and DOJ are out of control.  If you don’t believe that, watch this:   So, when Trump’s tax returns were leaked to the media, would everyone have turned a blind eye if Trump had turned the FBI and DOJ loose on finding out who leaked?Continue Reading

Here is a story of a woman who was asked to leave a hockey arena !  Her unforgivable sin?  Wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” sweatshirt. Tell me, how many folks wearing an article of clothing with any reference to BLM has been asked to leave a venue? From the article:Continue Reading

Here is a great article from regarding the ongoing Durham indictments. The indictments, way too late in the opinion of 2setsofrules (this should have been done during the last election), show the entire Trump-Russia collusion story was the biggest political con job ever. The media knew it, and because theyContinue Reading

Here is an article from Kimberly Strassel posted at along with commentary by Roger Kimball at detailing the ugly truth behind the Steele Dossier. As it turns out, it should really have been called the Clinton Dossier -being that it was Hillary Clinton that paid for it. After all thatContinue Reading