FB blocks NY Post story on BLM founder spending millions on home purchases

Saying it goes against their community standards – which is the biggest lie of 2020/2021 – FB is blocking a NY Post story about BLM founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors spending millions on buying luxury homes.   Nationalfile.com reports the story here.

From the story:

On Thursday, people started to realise that the New York Post story on Khan-Cullors was being blocked from posted on Facebook. Anyone attempting to share the post would be met with an error message, claiming that it goes against Facebook’s Community Standards. National File was able to independently confirm the blocking of the link in a number of tests, including on the Facebook timeline and within direct Messenger messages. No other New York Post stories are currently subject to the same restrictions on Facebook. (Emphasis added)

Hmmmm, now where have we heard that before?  Oh yeah, with the Hunter Biden story.

Once again big tech displays total hypocrisy.  FB, like CNN and the msm, is nothing but a propaganda arm for the dem/lib/prog party.