It seems only the government is allowed by law to practice racism

Here is an article from that states in part:

According to MyNorthwest:

The Washington State Department of Health lets providers deny vaccines to white people in a race-exclusionary system they claim creates equity and removes barriers. It does neither.

The African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry (AARTH) is a vaccine provider in Washington state. Eligible recipients can sign up for vaccines using their online scheduler. But if you’re white, you’re not able to access any open vaccine appointments.

By default, white people are put on a standby list — one of two lists segregated by race — for vaccine access. They will only provide their online appointments to people of color.


So how is this even allowed in the US ?  Isn’t racism was illegal?  Oh yeah, that’s right.  Except in the case of affirmative action (college admissions) and whenever else some rando government agency deems it acceptable.