Businesses threaten tax revolt in Baltimore

Here is an article from about 37 businesses in the Fell’s Point area of Baltimore that have signed a letter to the Baltimore city leaders threatening to withhold taxes if essential services are not provided.

There are four demands in the letter:

  • pick up the trash
  • enforce parking and traffic laws
  • stop illegal open-air alcohol and drug sales
  • empower the police to responsibly do their job

You can read the letter here.

Incredibly the letter points out that the city can’t even manage to regularly pick up the garbage.  The mayor and city council should resign just for not being able to provide this basic service.

Don’t forget, Baltimore is also the city of the report “Project Baltimore” – a report that detailed that in 2017, one third of all the public high schools did not have one student proficient in math.  Stop and think about that.

This is a picture of a city that is failing at all of its basic responsibilities.  No surprise, it’s a dem/lib/prog city.