That pesky 14th amendment

Here is a great article from talking about the current administration’s attempt at forcing “equity” into various laws and programs.

It is a somewhat satirical look at a recent NYT article on the lawsuits piling up against the Biden administration.

From the article:

If white people trying in the courts to get the White House to stop discriminating against them isn’t White Supremacy, I don’t know what is.

It will be interesting to see, if any of these cases make it to the Supreme Court, whether the ruling will be 9-0, upholding ht e14th amendment.  Based on how college admissions are allowed to discriminate, 2setsofrues would guess more like 5-4 or 6-3.

Here is a good but short over view of the Court rulings regarding the 14th amendment and how we got to our current interpretation.

If a US Congressman or Senator takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, how can they pass laws that violate the 14th amendment without consequence ?  If they want government sponsored discrimination to be “the law of the land”, shouldn’t he/she work to change the Constitution?   It’s no secret, I think that instead of doing the heavy lifting, they would much rather have the Supreme Court rewrite the law and legislate from the bench.