Oli London identifies as Korean and the woke Left goes crazy

Here is an article at theblaze.com about how Oli London identifies as Korean and many on the left are unhappy.

2setsofrules first response was woah woah woah, if a 4th grade boy can identify as a girl, then white is black and Oli London can certainly self-identify as being Korean.

A great response from London regarding the criticism from the woke left was this:

London also shared the news in a widely viewed YouTube video, in which the influencer and performer blasted “woke people” for their criticisms.

“The only people that need to be canceled is the woke people,” London said. “Because they are so dangerous to freedom of speech in society.”

One of the best – and most ludicrous – responses in the article from the woke left was this one:

Another added, “As a Korean this is really p***ing me off right now. Nationality is not that simple.”

So nationality is not that simple but a 5th grade boy suddenly deciding he is a she, is simple?  Because that’s what the dem/prog/left/woke crowd would have you believe.

You can’t have it both ways – but as is typical, the woke left have a huge double standard.