Why Cuomo resigned

Here is a good article on why Cuomo really resigned.

From the article at amgreatness.com :

The elderly aren’t loyal Democrats—and they simply aren’t important, let alone critical, to Democrats’ electoral prospects. Career-obsessed, college-educated women, however, definitely are. Which is why the knives came out when those 11 women blew the whistle on Cuomo’s sexual impropriety but not when those in the over-65 crowd needlessly suffocated to death on ventilators en masse on his watch.

It’s that simple.

After reading it, I have to say I agree.  The dems do one thing really well, bend to their never ending factions.

As a side note – just where was the whole “Me too” movement during all of this ?  If those 11 women still believe the dems and the Me Too movement are about women’s rights, then they are deluded.

From the article again:

Russell Berman of the far-left Atlantic thinks he knows. He lays it out in plain English in the subtitle of his article, “Why Cuomo Finally Resigned”: “Democrats hold their leaders to higher standards than Republicans do. 

SERIOUSLY?   If that were the case, the Me Too movement would have been camped out on the steps of the governor’s mansion demanding he resign.  Instead, CRICKETS !!