Headline: Biden’s Border Crisis Worse than Ever; TV Coverage Drops 96 Percent

Here is an article from www.newsbusters.org showing the absolute failure of the msm to actually be journalists.

If this doesn’t convince you the msm is simply a propaganda arm for the dems/libs/progs, nothing will.

This graph from the article says it all:


Here is an amazing statement from the article:

And on August 12, when the terrible July border statistics were released, none of the three broadcast evening newscasts bothered to even mention them — but all three found time for the latest developments in the legal soap opera surrounding singer Britney Spears.


What’s worse is this:

And while the July numbers show more border encounters than any preceding month, evening news coverage has now virtually disappeared. Not even news that the Biden administration was releasing COVID-positive migrants into the community could stir the broadcast networks to action.


So K-12 students in the US should wear masks; prominent dems at birthday parties and such don’t; but let’s release a bunch of covid-positive illegal immigrants into the US and no one cares.  At least no one at the White House.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask journalists to be journalists.  2setsofrules thinks the citizens of the US can handle the facts.  Apparently the msm thinks otherwise.  They have a political agenda.  They are all in to support their candidate, their party and their political beliefs.