Headline: Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn: Believing FDA’s Pfizer Approval and Getting Vaxxed is Stupid

Here is an article from noqreport.com speaking to the adverse effects of the covid jab and its effectiveness.

From the article:

Death Data

Though data has been ineffective in compelling government agencies to stop the vaccine effort, consider these data points on deaths attributed to just the Pfizer vaccine.  The CDC VAERS data system shows 9,027 deaths.  The British Yellow Card reporting system reports 501 deaths.  EudraVigilance, the European Union database reports 10,616 deaths.  Not counting non-EU European countries and many other nations that comes to a total of 20,144 deaths.  And add in some 2,644,488 adverse reactions following Pfizer’s injections.

As to other nations, recent data reported by official media sources in Brazil admit that over 32,000 people have died following COVID-19 shots, and one of the approved shots in Brazil is the Pfizer/BioNTech shot. What about Israel?

No data on deaths, but in early July, the Israeli Health Ministry reported a decrease in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing infections and symptomatic illness, to 64% from a high of 95% reported in May.

Also, reported this month, Israel has the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine.  But the country now has one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people.  More than half are in fully vaccinated people, reportedly 60 percent.

And from Korea came this May report: “Since the vaccination program began on Feb. 26, a total of 153 cases of death after inoculation had been reported…according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).  Pfizer accounted for 93 cases and AstraZeneca 60.”

Experienced epidemiologists you can trust would tell you that no vaccine with these levels of harmful effects would ever have been approved in the past.

But to hell with data.  Take your shots and gamble that you will not be yet another victim of a vaccine that was never sufficiently tested to reveal all the short- and long-term negative health impacts.  Trust the FDA when it officially proclaims the Pfizer vaccine safe.

Take your shot and shut up.  Don’t think about blood clots or a brain bleed or stroke.  Don’t go to 1000 Covid Stories and watch all the videos of victims who have suffered or died from shots.  Be compliant.  Stay stupid.  And take your shots.


We have a right to know the data.  Everyone in the msm, Twitter, FB etc all say they want to follow the science.  But censorship is what’s going on.

If you want to get the jab, go for it.  But wouldn’t it be nice if we were able to make the decision from an informed point-of-view? I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

The data out of Israel shows the messaging about the covid jab has been intentionally misleading. You can’t have that many people who are vaccinated subsequently being diagnosed with covid and still call the jab a vaccine.  It’s a shot more similar to the annual flu shot.  How many kids given the polio vaccine subsequently get polio?