CDC announces $10 million toward gun violence research. It’s gonna be an excuse for gun control.


Here is an article at talking about an interview with the current head of the CDC discussing her latest initiative to research gun violence.

After the CDCs recent foray into imposing a nationwide eviction moratorium, 2setsofrules doesn’t believe for one minute that whatever the CDC comes up with will be legal.

Read the last post at 2setsofrules,, an interview with Detroit’s former police chief, James Craig.

From the article above, the head of the CDC is quoted:

“Generally, the word gun, for those who are worried about research in this area, is followed by the word control, and that’s not what I want to do here,” she continued. “I’m not here about gun control. I’m here about preventing gun violence and gun death.”

Really?  So please, tell us how to prevent gun violence – without using the term racism.  Why haven’t you shared this info with the mayor of Chicago and every other big blue city ?   Or is $10 million in research going to give you the answers or is it to be used as an excuse for issuing some kind of nationwide gun control measures – just like the eviction moratorium – under the guise of public health.

It was recently reported that 41% of the students in the Baltimore, MD public high schools had a GPA of less than 1.0.  Tell me CDC, does a lack of education – in union run dem supported public schools – have anything to do with creating a culture that leads to inner city violence.  Oops, or are social issues not to be discussed when talking about gun violence in America; is racism going to be the over arching demon in the $10 million worth of research?