If you want to know what dems are really like, read this story about Ramona Bessinger and critical race theory in the classrooms

Here is a story you probably won’t see on CNN, or MSNBC – at least not from the standpoint of how a school district targets a teacher that doesn’t agree with indoctrinating 12 year olds with critical race theory crap and being transexual or gay at the age of 12.  (You can decide to have a sex change at 14 but don’t think about buying cigarettes till age 21.)

Ramona Bessinger went public over the critical race theory being taught in her Rhode Island school district and is now being harassed and threatened with termination by the school board – only dems could do that.

This story clearly illustrates what the dems/libs/progs have turned into – this story is the face of the dem party.

Here is the article where Megyn Kelley interviews Ramona Bessinger about what’s going on in her school disctrict – a good and frightening read if you have kids in the public schools.  Just another very good reason to send your kids to private schools (Baltimore, MD schools recently announced that 40% of the kids in Baltimore high schools had a GPA of less than 1.0.   Please tell me who is going to hire them?  What does the $60B annual budget of the Dept. of Education in D.C. actually get us???)

You can find both of thee stories mentioned above at legalinsurrection.com