The Clinton Dossier

Here is an article from Kimberly Strassel posted at along with commentary by Roger Kimball at detailing the ugly truth behind the Steele Dossier.

As it turns out, it should really have been called the Clinton Dossier -being that it was Hillary Clinton that paid for it.

After all that has been published, you cannot tell me the FBI all the way up to James Comey didn’t know the Steele Dossier was fake but used it as cover to attack a political opponent.

2setsofrules agrees with Ms. Strassel, the Steele Dossier was the biggest con job and scam in the history of US politics.

Let’s hope that additional indictments from John Durham are coming.  The first two indictment’s can be found here and here.

Who should also be indicted?  The press.  There were players every where that knew the truth – and all the msm did (MSNBC, CNN etc) was push a totally fabricated story.

By the way, what about Adam Schiff ?!?!?  For two years he was on the likes of CNN saying he had irrefutable evidence detailing the links between Trump and Russia were true.  HE LIED FOR OVER TWO YEARS AND THE PRESS JUST WENT ALONG.  

Why did the press go along – this is a rhetorical question for anyone paying attention over the last 5 years – because they are nothing more than an arm of the dem/lib/prog party.