The new Minister of Truth denies the existence of the Deep State

From,  here is the new Minister of Truth denying the existence of the Deep State.

From the article:

Any reasonable person, regardless of whether they’re on the left, right, on in between, can acknowledge the existence of the “Deep State.” Between Russiagate, a multitude of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, claims that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and dozens of other public examples of the Deep State’s meddling in international and domestic affairs, it is crystal clear that they exist. The “laptop is Russian disinformation” play was made by 50 Deep State members themselves.

Here is the video:

2setsofrules would go so far as to say the individual who leaked the draft copy of the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade is a member.  When the story leaked, the dem party was all ready with protestors at the Supreme Court and pols making statements.  In other words, it smacked of coordination.  Aka the Deep State.

For Jankowicz to flatly deny the existence of the Deep State is all you need to know about how this new Ministry of Truth is going to be ran and what type of “product” it’s going to produce.

It’s just one more part of the Democratic party/mainstream media complex.  It will be the official cover for making claims of mis and dis information.