
Donald Trump has been campaigning that if elected president, he will work to bring jobs back to the US – according to him it’s just bad that US companies ship jobs out of the country.  Typically Ford Motor Co. is a target of his comments. There are probably at least a hundred thousand people working just for foreign auto companies through out the South.  Every auto job in the South probably helps support at least 4-6 jobs in other and related industries. If we are all going to play by one set of rules, if Donald is to be honest, shouldn’t he at the same time propose legislation to ship all those jobs back to the country the company came from – and close those factories down?  Aren’t we taking jobs away from people in those countries?   And it’s not just Donald – he is just the most recent example.   Politicians of many stripes complain about outsourcing – but never mention insourcing.  You can’t have it both ways – although, if your’e a politician, you can certainly try.

Companies from many industries have moved to the US and set up shop.   From the website Organization for International Investment, here are some interesting stats regarding insourcing in the state of Michigan:  Michigan insourcing stats