They can do what?

“They can do what?” was my first response when I read the article.   The article says in part “… the Obama administration is going to pore over IRS tax records to identify uninsured young people.”  How is the administration getting this tax information?  You mean to tell me, the IRS is going to sort tax records and provide the administration with a list of tax payers not buying health insurance – so the adminstration can run a marketing campaign?

The article goes on to say the administration will even offer to pay for an Uber or Lyft ride to take people to health insurance enrollment events.  Our tax dollars at work!

According to the IRS website, these are the circumstances where IRS tax information can be shared.  Amazingly, “health insurance marketing campaign” is not on the list.

This administration has been a repeat offender in the eyes of 2setsofrules.  This is another prime example of just ignoring the rules – the laws!  Where is our esteemed Congress in investigating this breech of privacy?  So tax information is just going to be floating around the administration computer systems?  Considering the recent hacks of the The Office of Personnel Management, the DNC and Hillary’s emails, I have zero confidence tax information will be kept out of the hands of the bad guys.

So in my classic format I ask, would everyone out there be comfortable with any future administration getting whatever tax information it wants from the IRS and then using it to promote whatever agenda it feels like?  If your honest, you have to answer no.

Regardless of which side of the political aisle you set, if you still believe in freedom, the rule of law and the Constitution, this kind of activity has to scare you.