What happens when the government doesn’t follow the law?

It was recently reported that the Lansing School District (located in the state of Michigan, in fact the capital of Michigan) has not implemented a merit pay system for teachers in the Lansing School District as required by law.

It has to be clear to anyone paying attention that in too many instances there are 2setsofrules – one set for government and one set for everyone else – ordinary people like you and me, and corporations.

The law requiring a merit pay system was passed seven years ago!   Has anyone in the LSD lost their job, been fined, demoted, anything?? Why not?  Volkswagon broke the law with respect to emissions testing and look what happened to them!

The IRS was used to target political opponents and nothing happened to Lois Lerner or anyone else at the IRS.   From sanctuary cities to states legalizing marijuana, the list goes on and on.  Have you heard about Operation Choke Point? (See my next post.)   And I have no doubt the LSD is not the only school district in Michigan in violation of this law.

If the government doesn’t have to follow the rules, why do I?  There can’t be 2setsofrules – there has to consequences when the government doesn’t follow the law.  Isn’t anyone in government accountable?  I’ve thought for a long time that as far as our government goes, the good ‘ol USA is slipping toward becoming a third world banana republic.