Does this border on censorship?

Recently it was reported that representative Adam Schiff D-CA contacted Amazon about anti-vaccine books sold on Amazon.  From the article:

“There is strong evidence to suggest that at least part of the source of this trend is the degree to which medically inaccurate information about vaccines surface on the websites where many Americans get their information, among them Amazon,” Schiff wrote. “As the largest online marketplace in the world, Amazon is in a unique position to shape consumption.

It goes on to say that earlier, Schiff had sent a similar letter to both Facebook and Google.

2setsofrules does not agree with the anti-vaccinators.  This is all based on a false medical report and research. However, if dems are pro-choice on abortion, why not pro-choice on vaccines?   What a clear demonstration of two sets-of-rules.

Beyond that, what is most concerning about the story is the prospect of censorship.  This is the nose under the tent – we don’t need Congress dictating (or encouraging) what big tech companies do and don’t show on their sites. (Setting aside conservative concerns that big tech already favors liberal results – see Prager suing Youtube.)

Whether you agree with the anti-vaccinators or not, Congress telling big tech what not to display in search results sounds like something China or some third world dictatorship would do.  Not the USA.

If this doesn’t border on censorship, it’s within shouting distance.

This is a bad precedent.