Mass shootings and mental health

Image of Bullets

Mental health issues and mass shooters goes back at least to the Virginia Tech shooter.  From a report looking at the VT incident:

“The report noted that in interviews conducted for the panel’s investigation, various Virginia Tech officials — including those from the counseling center, office of judicial affairs, campus police and the dean of students — reported that they didn’t share information with one another or with Cho’s parents in the belief that they were barred from doing so by privacy laws. “

In the 12 years since the VT incident, what has been done or proposed to address the connection between mental health issues and mass shooters?

There were issues shall we say effecting the Parkland shooter.  There were also programs put in place at the school – programs that contributed to the Parkland shooter not getting the help he needed.

So from the VT to the Parkland shooter, what have the pols proposed to address these issues?

Just lobbing political rhetoric bombs during an election is not helpful at all.

Politicians are great at pointing fingers at everyone and anything else.  2setsofrules never hears a politician accept any responsibility.

The Parkland shooting highlighted some of the programs put in place under the Obama administration.  Certainly, after the Parkland shooting, politicians and administrators who thought the programs the Obama administration put in place were a good idea would have been called out – but of course, nothing.

Something has changed in society over the past 40-50 years; these kinds of incidents didn’t happen in the 1950’s.  Is it all mental health?  Is it single parent homes? Is it violent video games?  Is it a cocktail of all this and more?

Just blaming “guns” for all of this is a cheap and easy way out.

When politicians, both R’s and D’s, come up with a plan to address the mental health issues related to the shooters, then 2setsofrules will know they are serious.
