Covid-19 Restrictions – for thee but not for me

Michigan’s Governor Whitmer has made national news when it comes to the restrictions she imposed during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Before Memorial Day, she had lifted some of the restrictions for Northern lower Michigan, including “allowing” residents to travel to second homes they own in Northern Michigan.

The problem though, is she kept asking that Michigan residents restrict their travel and not travel to Northern lower Michigan you know, to prevent the spread of the virus.

At the same time, those emergency signs along the highway had messages asking Michigan residents to limit their travel.

Funny then, her husband was called out on FB for doing exactly the opposite.  As reported in the news, Whitmer’s husband traveled North and then had the audacity to ask the owner of the marina where he and the guv stored their boat to move him up the waiting list and put his boat in the water prior to the Memorial holiday weekend.

The Governor’s office first dismissed the claim and internet rumor.  Once she could no longer deny the incident, she wanted to brush it off as a poor attempt at bad humor.  Right.

Talk about hypocrisy.   This has to be close to Whitmer’s own “deplorable” moment.   Politicians just can’t seem to avoid two-sets-of rules.

George Orwell said it best about our political elite: “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”



Photo :<a href=””>Water photo created by jcomp –</a>