Antifa vs Pro-Life

It was reported by the Daily Caller that pro-life students were arrested in Washington D.C. for writing in chalk “Black preborn lives matter”.

So antifa mobs and protestors destroy hundreds of millions of dollars in property, and in many cases across the country that’s not a problem for the police or politicians.

But write something in chalk that offends the abortion crowd, and all of a sudden that rises to the level of a crime?

The difference here is the chalk writing was on the sidewalk outside a D.C. Planned Parenthood office.   Anything that is seen as an affront to the abortion industry is of course immediately out-of-bounds.

Raise your hand if you think that if antifa or BLM protestors wrote “Black Lives Matter” in chalk on a sidewalk outside ANY building, they would be arrested.

There is one set-of-rules if you are pro-life and another for everyone else.