It’s all too clear, Biden is in early stages of dementia

2setsofrules still can’t believe the msm still does not address the fact that Biden is clearly suffering with the early stages of dementia.   One cannot watch him and know that.   Talk about a cover up.  Never once did anyone on the left -including all media outlets – address this.

Watch this video of a recent press conference.

So, it’s now OK to nominate and elect someone – the leader of the free world – that clearly has diminished mental capacity.    Want to know why Beijing Biden hid out in his basement the entire campaign – this is the reason why.   It would have been all too apparent if he was out on the campaign stump every day.

How is Buyden supposed to handle the daily stress and schedule of the President?  The left has elected someone other than Buyden – he cannot do the job.  Someone else will be running the show.