Systemic racism and public education

From a recent article in the Wall Street Journal about Hartford, Connecticut:

The city spends more than $400 million annually on education ($17,260 per student) yet nearly 30% of its students don’t graduate high school on time. Only 18% of students in grades 3 through 8 test at age-appropriate levels in math, and 25% do so in reading.

The same type of stats exist in Baltimore, MD.  In 2017 a study came out titled Project Baltimore.   From the study:

Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state test scores released this fall. We paged through 16,000 lines of data and uncovered this: Of Baltimore City’s 39 High Schools, 13 had zero students proficient in math.

Think about it.   One third of all public high schools in Baltimore had zero students proficient in math.

If one third are not proficient in math, please explain how those students will be prepared to get a job?  Or go onto college.

Did anyone hear anything about this in the lead up to the 2020 election?

As usual, many pols on the left want to blame systemic racism for the condition of the black population. And I would agree.

However the source of that systemic racism lies with themselves and their own public education system.

In other words, are the boards of education in Hartford and Baltimore made up of all white members or is there a preponderance of black people on the board of education?
Doesn’t the fault for these atrocious stats lie with the board of education ?
But don’t expect a politician to admit this.  It’s much easier to simply blame systemic racism, ask for more money for the public school unions and not solve the problem.