Headline: Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Joins Media and Other Leftists in Mask-Shaming Greatest of All Time Tom Brady

From Breitbart News,  breitbart.com, Meena Harris asks where is Tom Brady’s damm mask?  Read the article here.

Out of curiosity, did she have the same response when Joe Buyden walked around the Lincoln Memorial without a mask the day after he was inaugurated ?

Ohhhhh yeah.  That’s right.  The Whitehouse said it was OK because ‘Ol Joe was celebrating.

It’s always one set of rules for the political class.

Why couldn’t it also be true that Tom Brady was celebrating too?  Celebrating his return to the Super Bowl?  Or maybe, he just didn’t want to?  You know, like all the politicians (see other posts) who decided to ignore their own covid restrictions and lockdowns?