Bias on the Bench

Recently, Donald Trump was criticized for making a statement that he would not receive a fair hearing in front of a Latino judge. As is too typical, the MSM, Democrats and even many Republicans,  labeled him a racist for this comment.

Now if they the main stream media were at least somewhat honest (I don’t think most politicians of any stripe can be honest hahaha) and stopped using two different rules when reporting on conservatives versus liberals, they would have to admit there is some truth to what Trump said.

If what Trump said was not true in a very general sense, then neither the Republicans nor the Democrats would be so interested in naming a replacement to the Supreme Court.   How many issues have come before the Supreme court where the liberal block and the conservative block vote as a block?  We should all, including the media, be able to admit that ideology and personal beliefs work their way into decisions by a judge and/or court and not all decisions are un-biased.   I’m not saying all judges and all courts; but its true for many.   Trump was in my opinion simply making this point.

Recently a judge in Michigan ruled that a state law outlawing straight party line voting on a ballot was somehow discriminatory toward Blacks.  Really?  That decision is based just on the law?  Apart from the decision being insulting, where is the proof?   Why didn’t he include Latinos, or women or any other segment of the population?  Do you think that you would always receive a fair and un-biased hearing in front of this judge?

For the media and everyone else to roundly criticize Trump as a racist for his comment, is to be willfully blind.