Skidmore College student government refuses pro-Israel student club

After recognizing a pro-Palestine club, a pro-democrat and pro-republican club, the Skidmore College student government thought the pro-Israel club needed to gain “more diverse perspectives” before it could be recognized as a club.

Here is the article from

From the article:

Progressive Zionists for Peace president Nessa Goldhirsch Brown said in a Facebook post that the reasons she was given for her group’s denial were “false, unclear, and transparently partisan.” Skidmore College spokeswoman Sara Miga said that Progressive Zionists for Peace were not officially denied recognition and told the Washington Free Beacon that the group was just “asked to return at a later date to clarify their mission and goals.”

Seriously ??? They need to return to clarify their missions?

The anti-semitism that is allowed on campuses has gone on way too long and should be stopped.

This is the worst kind of hypocrisy.