A classic example of media bias at CNN

Here is an article from newsbusters.org that talks about the media bias of CNN – in this case how it is not covering the Cuomo scandal of covering up the number of nursing home deaths in NY due to Covid.

From the article:

The Post report and an Associated Press report about Cuomo’s deadly decision both dropped on Thursday even. But CNN refused to cover either of the stories until Saturday’s New Day, with Tapper’s televised editorial on Sunday was just the second time it was mentioned and the first rant against the network’s favorite governor. And unsurprisingly, Tapper eventually parleyed his Cuomo comments into bashing Senate Republicans.

So CNN, over the course of 4 whole days, only mentions the story that the NY Post first published, two times.

Do you think if former President Trump had ordered patients to be sent back to nursing homes and then covered up the number of subsequent deaths that decision caused, that CNN would only mention it twice in 4 days !!!

Of note, at the bottom of the article linked to above, there is an article that ABC has had a TOTAL BLACKOUT of the Post story !! Talk about double standards.   This is why those on the right continually claim – and rightfully so – the msm is just another branch/arm of the democrat party.