Biden official asks Senator to delete pics of border crises

Here is a story from where Senator Mike Bryan (R, Ind) was asked by a Biden official while visiting the border to delete pics he had taken.

From the article:

Senator Mike Braun (R., Ind.) on Saturday said a Biden official asked a group of Republican senators who visited the southern border to delete photos they had taken of the overcrowded conditions at a migrant processing and holding center they toured one day earlier in Donna, Texas.

“There was one of Biden’s representatives. I felt sorry for the lady because she actually talked to me about deleting a picture, but by the time she got to me, all those other pictures were taken, and that shows you the hypocrisy,” Braun told the Washington Examiner.

“None of us would have gone down there if we were going to be muzzled,” Braun said, adding that Border Patrol instructed them not to take photos, though “they were telling us that because they had to.”

The hypocrisy of the Whitehouse to actually ask a Senator to delete pics is way over the top. Where is the msm with its coverage of this crises?

And for the administration to order the border patrol officials to try to stop pics is akin to a banana republic.

This is an attempt at a cover up, plain and simple.  And the compliant msm is complicit.

One thing you will also not hear about is the thousands of unaccompanied minors – and who they are being released to.  There are stories of 14 year old girls being released to someone that shows up after she calls a number in her pocket.  The opportunity for sex trafficking is huge.

Where is the msm and our politicians to protect these minors?