Here is an article at talking about an interview with the current head of the CDC discussing her latest initiative to research gun violence. After the CDCs recent foray into imposing a nationwide eviction moratorium, 2setsofrules doesn’t believe for one minute that whatever the CDC comes up with willContinue Reading

Here is a great interview with former Detroit police chief, James Craig, on gun violence in the city of Detroit. If you are looking for a candid and realistic discussion on dealing with inner city gun violence, here it is. The defund the police movement does not carry weight withContinue Reading

In the ongoing war against conservatives and free speech, Facebook deletes a conservative FB page without any explanation. Read this article from The Washington Free Beacon.   The FB page for The Virginia Citizens Defense League was unexplainably deleted. From Parler being deplatformed to this and other conservative FB pagesContinue Reading

Here is the article from Just the News website on the US Supreme Court striking down NY Gov. Coumo’s recent covid restriction. From the article : Roberts’ dissenting opinion accused the court of acting irrationally and disregarding the public health expertise of the state. “It is a significant matter to overrideContinue Reading