White House spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked today about what happened to “My Body, My Choice”  (the common refrain when it comes to abortion) relative to the government mandating the covid jab. She ignored the question and walked out. Here is the article from trendingpolictics.com. From the article: During aContinue Reading

It was reported by the Daily Caller that pro-life students were arrested in Washington D.C. for writing in chalk “Black preborn lives matter”. So antifa mobs and protestors destroy hundreds of millions of dollars in property, and in many cases across the country that’s not a problem for the policeContinue Reading

If the notion of “sanctuary cities” is OK for your issue, then it has to be good for the other guys issues. Hence, 2setsofrules. If “sanctuary cities” is OK for illegal immigrants, then it would be OK for right-to-work and abortion also. Right? We can’t have one set of rules for your favorite political issues and a different set of rules for other people’s political issues. Continue Reading