The Biden administration, the FBI and DOJ are out of control.  If you don’t believe that, watch this:   So, when Trump’s tax returns were leaked to the media, would everyone have turned a blind eye if Trump had turned the FBI and DOJ loose on finding out who leaked?Continue Reading

Here is a story from about a Catholic church set on fire in Minneapolis, and surprise the msm calls the riots mostly peaceful protests. The msm is simply the propaganda arm for the left.  2setsofrules agrees with the article, while not yet confirmed, what a coincidence that a church soContinue Reading

If the notion of “sanctuary cities” is OK for your issue, then it has to be good for the other guys issues. Hence, 2setsofrules. If “sanctuary cities” is OK for illegal immigrants, then it would be OK for right-to-work and abortion also. Right? We can’t have one set of rules for your favorite political issues and a different set of rules for other people’s political issues. Continue Reading