We found tree trimmers in Chicago making $106,663; nurses at state corrections earning up to $277,100; junior college presidents making $491,095; university doctors earning up to $2 million; and 111 small town managers who out-earned every governor of the 50 states ($202,000).Continue Reading

From tennesseestar.com, here is an article about University of Louisville professor Ricky Jones who says that all Republicans are guilty of the riot at the Capital and should all just shut up. Wow !! And you wonder what college students are being taught ? Isn’t that really a form ofContinue Reading

After recognizing a pro-Palestine club, a pro-democrat and pro-republican club, the Skidmore College student government thought the pro-Israel club needed to gain “more diverse perspectives” before it could be recognized as a club. Here is the article from freebeacon.com. From the article: Progressive Zionists for Peace president Nessa Goldhirsch BrownContinue Reading

A recent article in MLive outlined a new college scholarship program proposed by the newly elected Governor of Michigan in her state-of-the-state address.  At the same time, probably one of the best kept secrets in the US, Purdue University’s president, Mitch Daniels, has kept tuition level for 7 years. Instead ofContinue Reading

If the housing programs popular in California are any guide, I guess there are now three types of diversity on college campuses; one to get onto campus, one when you are living on campus and unfortunately, one for those who graduate.Continue Reading