Here is a great article at about the current state of inflation in the U.S.A.  Larry Summers predicted what is happening and was taken to the proverbial wood shed by the DC cabal and media elite. Here is a graph from the article showing what Biden has done to inflationContinue Reading

  Here is an article at talking about an interview with the current head of the CDC discussing her latest initiative to research gun violence. After the CDCs recent foray into imposing a nationwide eviction moratorium, 2setsofrules doesn’t believe for one minute that whatever the CDC comes up with willContinue Reading

We found tree trimmers in Chicago making $106,663; nurses at state corrections earning up to $277,100; junior college presidents making $491,095; university doctors earning up to $2 million; and 111 small town managers who out-earned every governor of the 50 states ($202,000).Continue Reading