Here is an article from Just the News talking about how John’s Hopkins first published and then deleted an article questioning the US death rate and the impact covid has had on it. So once again, if the science doesn’t agree with the messaging, then simply delete the science. The article,Continue Reading

Here is a paragraph from the executive summary of the study done by John Hopkins University on the Providence RI school district: We know from existing data that student achievement in Providence has been low for decades. Despite the hard work of countless teachers, administrators, and city employees, the latestContinue Reading

A recent article in MLive outlined a new college scholarship program proposed by the newly elected Governor of Michigan in her state-of-the-state address.  At the same time, probably one of the best kept secrets in the US, Purdue University’s president, Mitch Daniels, has kept tuition level for 7 years. Instead ofContinue Reading

Recently, it was reported in the NY Times that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was temporarily blocked by protestors from entering a Washington DC middle school. One protestor, quoted in the NY Times article, stated the following:  “We will unleash our activists in a way that I don’t think any secretary ofContinue Reading