From,  here is an article where the CDC states there is a stronger correlation between the covid vaccine and heart inflammation in males under the age of 30. From the article: Males under the age of 30 may face heart complications after receiving a full shot, Tom Shimabukuro, deputy directorContinue Reading

Here is another article (from showing the total hypocrisy of Twitter. From : Twitter bashed for saying access to its platform is a ‘human right’ while accused of silencing conservatives From the article: Twitter removed the tweet written by the Nigerian president, claiming it had violated the platform’s policyContinue Reading

Here is a great example from of how the msm lies and spins the news against their political enemies. Click on the second video in the story.  The first part of the video is what 60 Minutes played.  Gov DeSantis full response follows.  His actual response is very reasoned.  YouContinue Reading

From, here is an article about University of Louisville professor Ricky Jones who says that all Republicans are guilty of the riot at the Capital and should all just shut up. Wow !! And you wonder what college students are being taught ? Isn’t that really a form ofContinue Reading