From National Review:  Biden Staffer Suggests ‘Intolerant’ Views of Orthodox Catholics, Jews, Muslims Should Disqualify Them from Supreme Court 2setsofrules would like to know how is this any different from saying women or blacks should be disqualified from the US Supreme Court ? Why is anti-semitism allowed to exist onContinue Reading

It was reported by the Daily Caller that pro-life students were arrested in Washington D.C. for writing in chalk “Black preborn lives matter”. So antifa mobs and protestors destroy hundreds of millions of dollars in property, and in many cases across the country that’s not a problem for the policeContinue Reading

2setsofrules has definitely been of the opinion for a long time – years – that the media, the mainstream media, long ago left behind its journalistic credentials and became an arm of the liberal/progressive political movement. As proof, watch/listen to this video that the Dan Bongino show put together.  Continue Reading