From Breitbart News,, Meena Harris asks where is Tom Brady’s damm mask?  Read the article here. Out of curiosity, did she have the same response when Joe Buyden walked around the Lincoln Memorial without a mask the day after he was inaugurated ? Ohhhhh yeah.  That’s right.  The WhitehouseContinue Reading

In the ongoing war against conservatives and free speech, Facebook deletes a conservative FB page without any explanation. Read this article from The Washington Free Beacon.   The FB page for The Virginia Citizens Defense League was unexplainably deleted. From Parler being deplatformed to this and other conservative FB pagesContinue Reading

For once some good news relative to covid – the Chinese virus. From the article at : A county prosecutor in Michigan has dismissed more than 1,600 ordinance violations and misdemeanor citations related to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus emergency orders that have been determined to violate the state Constitution.Continue Reading

You gotta read this article at Someone took the following statement from Maxine Waters – remember this statement?? – and tweeted it as if it were directed at the Coumo administration.  The response from folks in NY were typical.   And if you see anybody from that Cabinet inContinue Reading