Here is an article from Just the News talking about how John’s Hopkins first published and then deleted an article questioning the US death rate and the impact covid has had on it. So once again, if the science doesn’t agree with the messaging, then simply delete the science. The article,Continue Reading

Here is the article from Just the News website on the US Supreme Court striking down NY Gov. Coumo’s recent covid restriction. From the article : Roberts’ dissenting opinion accused the court of acting irrationally and disregarding the public health expertise of the state. “It is a significant matter to overrideContinue Reading

Here is a great article at The Federalist about Amazon censoring the sale of a well sourced book on the ineffectiveness of masks during the covid-19 pandemic. Apparently, to politicians on the left, the msm and Big Tech, science is only good when it supports your point of view. IfContinue Reading

From a recent interview published in the Wall Street Journal: Mr. Connerly describes the Asian-American fight for educational equality as “probably the truest civil-rights movement of our time.” The civil-rights movement in the 1960s, he says, “was about civil rights, yes. But it became about advancing the condition of blackContinue Reading

  Hat tip to Read this article from   about the absolute double standard/hypocrisy recently exhibited by California Governor, Gavin Newsom. After all the lecturing by Newsom, he goes to a  birthday party for a consultant without a mask. Simply incredible. Even worse, the person who the party wasContinue Reading