From National Review:  Biden Staffer Suggests ‘Intolerant’ Views of Orthodox Catholics, Jews, Muslims Should Disqualify Them from Supreme Court 2setsofrules would like to know how is this any different from saying women or blacks should be disqualified from the US Supreme Court ? Why is anti-semitism allowed to exist onContinue Reading

Here is a must read article from The Federalist: BREAKING: Russia Believed Clinton Was Planning Anti-Trump Collusion Campaign In 2016, And U.S. Officials Knew It This shows the whole Russian collusion investigation was a setup and hoax originated by the Clinton campaign. Worse yet, the FBI knew it. Where isContinue Reading

Well, this story from Fox News isn’t a surprise.  Too many times, for politicians the rules only apply to everyone else.   Update: Here is a great follow up article by The Daily Wire showing protestors outside Nancy Pelosi’s house in San Francisco. 2setsofrules would also note that Pelosi couldn’t takeContinue Reading