Here is a great article from regarding the ongoing Durham indictments. The indictments, way too late in the opinion of 2setsofrules (this should have been done during the last election), show the entire Trump-Russia collusion story was the biggest political con job ever. The media knew it, and because theyContinue Reading

Here is an article from Kimberly Strassel posted at along with commentary by Roger Kimball at detailing the ugly truth behind the Steele Dossier. As it turns out, it should really have been called the Clinton Dossier -being that it was Hillary Clinton that paid for it. After all thatContinue Reading

In 2017, the NYT carried a report that phone records and intercepted calls proved that members of President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election.

They claimed the source was ‘four current and former American officials.’ Once again obtaining phone records and intercepting phone calls is illegal.

However there has been no raid by the FBI on any of the NYT offices or on the properties and offices of the people who carried the story.Continue Reading

Here is an article at about how Youtube and Instagram banned a rappers song about “Let’s Go Brandon” Here is the headline : YouTube, Instagram Ban Rapper’s Anti-Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Song, Still Hits #1 On iTunes From the article: Rapper Bryson Gray’s song “Let’s Go Brandon” was banned ThursdayContinue Reading

Here is a story you probably won’t see on CNN, or MSNBC – at least not from the standpoint of how a school district targets a teacher that doesn’t agree with indoctrinating 12 year olds with critical race theory crap and being transexual or gay at the age of 12.Continue Reading

This story, posted at should concern you. In the rush to get everyone vaccinated against covid, the US government and the media are covering up the real life consequences due to reactions to “the jab”. In my local home state, constant radio advertisements tell you the vaccine is safe andContinue Reading

Here is an article from on how the Biden administration stopped a plane from Afghanistan with American citizens from landing in the U.S.. From the article: “A Department of Homeland Security official claimed it was because authorities need time to conduct background checks on those on board,” the DailyContinue Reading

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked today about what happened to “My Body, My Choice”  (the common refrain when it comes to abortion) relative to the government mandating the covid jab. She ignored the question and walked out. Here is the article from From the article: During aContinue Reading