Here is an article from  on how the State Dept in the Biden- Harris administration is blocking flights, with Americans, from leaving Afghanistan. Simple question:  Why is the State Dept bothering to vet the passenger list when the Biden-Harris administration lets tens of thousands of rando people just crossContinue Reading

From an article at , Cornell has over 300 cases of covid despite a 95% vaccination rate. Say it ain’t so !!!   How can that be when the Fauci’s of the world said the vaccine was the be all to end all. From the article: As a result, 95Continue Reading

Here is an article at talking about the left playing the race card against Larry Elder -who happens to be black for those who don’t know. You just can’t make this stuff up. What the left can’t tolerate is an African-American being conservative.  What they are afraid of is aContinue Reading

  Here is an article at talking about an interview with the current head of the CDC discussing her latest initiative to research gun violence. After the CDCs recent foray into imposing a nationwide eviction moratorium, 2setsofrules doesn’t believe for one minute that whatever the CDC comes up with willContinue Reading

Here is a great interview with former Detroit police chief, James Craig, on gun violence in the city of Detroit. If you are looking for a candid and realistic discussion on dealing with inner city gun violence, here it is. The defund the police movement does not carry weight withContinue Reading

Here is an article at detailing a letter Senator Ron Johnson sent to the acting director of the FDA that everyone should want to know the answers to.  From the article, the questions are: 1. Why didn’t the FDA grant full licensure for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is in useContinue Reading

In an article at on the 6-3 ruling by the Supreme Court against the CDC eviction moratorium, Justice Breyer is quoted as follows: Justice Stephen Breyer argued in a dissent that “it is far from ‘demonstrably’ clear that the CDC lacks the power to issue its modified moratorium order.”Continue Reading

Here is an article from speaking to the adverse effects of the covid jab and its effectiveness. From the article: Death Data Though data has been ineffective in compelling government agencies to stop the vaccine effort, consider these data points on deaths attributed to just the Pfizer vaccine.  The CDCContinue Reading