Here is a great article from about John Kerry’s dire prediction in 2009 on how there would be no Arctic ice by 2014. That didn’t happen.  Even after being absolutely totally wrong, he is now the special climate liaison for Biden. From the article: Despite being dunked on by MotherContinue Reading

John Kerry and AOC have said we only have 10-12 years left.   So why spend 3-4 Trillion dollars on infrastructure with so little time left? Here is an article from the talking about potential White House plans to tax drivers based on how many miles they drive to helpContinue Reading

Here is an article  from detailing how at least three of the msm simply ignored reports of a person within the Cuomo administration admitting the administration covered up the number of covid deaths in nursing homes. Do you think if former President Trump had been taped admitting to aContinue Reading

In the 1970’s it was global cooling. Now its global warming. Although global warming wasn’t working so now its climate change. This topic is ripe for 2setsofrules – because the political left abuses this topic every day. For a refreshing, honest and straightforward look at global warming, check out thisContinue Reading