Bar owner in Los Angeles CA is livid to see that mayor Garcetti has approved an outdoor dining area for a movie company directly across from her outdoor dining area (which was shut down) — Jake Coco 💙🇺🇸🎶🐻 (@jakecoco) December 4, 2020 If you have not watched this videoContinue Reading

John Kerry and AOC have said we only have 10-12 years left.   So why spend 3-4 Trillion dollars on infrastructure with so little time left? Here is an article from the talking about potential White House plans to tax drivers based on how many miles they drive to helpContinue Reading

Here is an article from on how Hunter Biden lied on Form 4473 – the form used for a Federal background check when purchasing a gun. From the article: Hunter responded “no” to a question on the transaction record that asks, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to,Continue Reading

Here is an article from on how a photojournalist was forced to take pics of the US Customs and Border patrol operations from the Mexico side of the border. Apparently the msm has no issues with the blackout being imposed by the Biden administration. What do you think they wouldContinue Reading