Here is the article from Just the News website on the US Supreme Court striking down NY Gov. Coumo’s recent covid restriction. From the article : Roberts’ dissenting opinion accused the court of acting irrationally and disregarding the public health expertise of the state. “It is a significant matter to overrideContinue Reading

  Hat tip to Read this article from   about the absolute double standard/hypocrisy recently exhibited by California Governor, Gavin Newsom. After all the lecturing by Newsom, he goes to a  birthday party for a consultant without a mask. Simply incredible. Even worse, the person who the party wasContinue Reading

From Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition This is the Great Barrington Declaration. Many pols these days like to throw around terms like “the science”; well, here is a huge group of docs and scientists who disagree with the current position many politicians are taking with respect toContinue Reading

From National Review:  Biden Staffer Suggests ‘Intolerant’ Views of Orthodox Catholics, Jews, Muslims Should Disqualify Them from Supreme Court 2setsofrules would like to know how is this any different from saying women or blacks should be disqualified from the US Supreme Court ? Why is anti-semitism allowed to exist onContinue Reading

Here is a must read article from The Federalist: BREAKING: Russia Believed Clinton Was Planning Anti-Trump Collusion Campaign In 2016, And U.S. Officials Knew It This shows the whole Russian collusion investigation was a setup and hoax originated by the Clinton campaign. Worse yet, the FBI knew it. Where isContinue Reading