Read this article to learn about possible side effects of the covid jab.    Info you will not hear from the CDC or the msm. In my home state, in an attempt to get more people vaccinated, they advertise the jab is safe and doctor approved.  NO mention of detailsContinue Reading

Here is an article from showing the absolute failure of the msm to actually be journalists. If this doesn’t convince you the msm is simply a propaganda arm for the dems/libs/progs, nothing will. This graph from the article says it all:   Here is an amazing statement from theContinue Reading

Here is an article from showing Rashida Tlaib partying with out a mask – in August 2021. Here is another article from showing everyone at Obama’s recent birthday party not wearing masks. SO TELL ME, WHY ARE DEMS SO HELL BENT ON K-12 STUDENTS WEARING MASKS? THE HYPOCRISY IS OVERWHELMING.Continue Reading

From,  here is an article where the CDC states there is a stronger correlation between the covid vaccine and heart inflammation in males under the age of 30. From the article: Males under the age of 30 may face heart complications after receiving a full shot, Tom Shimabukuro, deputy directorContinue Reading

From, here is an article on 4 Texas counties declaring a state of emergency due to being over run by  illegal immigrants.    I’m sure this story is all over CNN and MSNBC. Now the CDC won’t let cruise lines run, but see no problem with releasing thousands ofContinue Reading