From a recent article in the WSJ regarding different States effectiveness in getting people vaccinated: This criticism is also wrong because the biggest state mistakes so far have been adhering too much to the federal government’s initial guidance to limit the first batches to health-care workers and long-term care residents,Continue Reading

Here is an article from Just the News talking about how John’s Hopkins first published and then deleted an article questioning the US death rate and the impact covid has had on it. So once again, if the science doesn’t agree with the messaging, then simply delete the science. The article,Continue Reading

Here is a great article at The Federalist about Amazon censoring the sale of a well sourced book on the ineffectiveness of masks during the covid-19 pandemic. Apparently, to politicians on the left, the msm and Big Tech, science is only good when it supports your point of view. IfContinue Reading

From Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition This is the Great Barrington Declaration. Many pols these days like to throw around terms like “the science”; well, here is a huge group of docs and scientists who disagree with the current position many politicians are taking with respect toContinue Reading

A recent Detroit News article talks about how Michigan’s governor Whitmer might block President Trump from holding a rally in Michigan over concerns about the spread of covid-19. 2setsofrules is pretty confident in stating Whitmer probably has not said the same thing about the spread of covid-19 due to recent protestsContinue Reading