Here is a great example from of how the msm lies and spins the news against their political enemies. Click on the second video in the story.  The first part of the video is what 60 Minutes played.  Gov DeSantis full response follows.  His actual response is very reasoned.  YouContinue Reading

Here is an article from on how a photojournalist was forced to take pics of the US Customs and Border patrol operations from the Mexico side of the border. Apparently the msm has no issues with the blackout being imposed by the Biden administration. What do you think they wouldContinue Reading

Here is an article from the that shows the hypocrisy in the media and the dem/lib/prog party. From the article: If the words “fight like hell” mean what we think they mean, the city of Sacramento had better start putting up the fences, unspooling the razor wire, and settingContinue Reading

Here is an article  from that clearly shows the total hypocrisy of the left and the #metoo movement. The latest woman – six total if you are keeping count – to come forward with claims of sexual harassment against Gov Cuomo is ignored by Kamala Harris. She was soooooo indigentContinue Reading