Here is an article from on Twitter suspending journalist Paul Sperry. Essentially, the article states Twitter suspended him without Sperry breaking any rules.   Twitter’s only claim was that the account was a robot.  That is reality disproved.  Leaving the only reason being Twitter didn’t agree with his politics.  Continue Reading

Here is an article  from detailing how at least three of the msm simply ignored reports of a person within the Cuomo administration admitting the administration covered up the number of covid deaths in nursing homes. Do you think if former President Trump had been taped admitting to aContinue Reading

From, here is an article on WH spokesman Jen Psaki dodging a question about whether Maxine Waters was inciting violence back in 2018. Same goes for Chuckie Schumer.  Remember he stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened Judge Kavanaugh.  Surprisingly, the msm/dems/left/progs have not accused him ofContinue Reading

You gotta read this article at Someone took the following statement from Maxine Waters – remember this statement?? – and tweeted it as if it were directed at the Coumo administration.  The response from folks in NY were typical.   And if you see anybody from that Cabinet inContinue Reading