Bernie’s form of socialism is great for Bernie.  It’s all “the other” wealthy people and businesses that should pay more taxes.  Just not Bernie.  Nice gig – it must be great to be smart like to Bernie to know just how wealthy you need to be before you start paying more in taxes.Continue Reading

Well well well. Bernie is all about everyone else paying a $15 minimum wage.  And yet his campaign staff is only paid $13 an hour. Bernie’s campaign manager said this: “We know our campaign offers wages and benefits competitive with other campaigns, as is shown by the latest fundraising reports,”Continue Reading

There was a recent article about a mega mansion in California that just sold for $75 million dollars. What caught the attention of 2setsofrules was the buyer was from China. Isn’t China a communist country?  Who the heck has $75 million dollars from a communist country to spend on aContinue Reading

Elizabeth Warren recently used the purchase of a $100 million yacht by an NFL owner as justification for her #Ultramillionairetax.  (Setting aside for the moment it’s unconstitutional.)   2setsofrules recently ran across a story detailing the $1.8 million engagement ring and $100,000 purse that accessorized J Lo on a recentContinue Reading